INP (Interaction to Next Paint) measures responsiveness during interactions, while FID (First Input Delay) tracks initial response time.
INP (Interaction to Next Paint) measures responsiveness during interactions, while FID (First Input Delay) tracks initial response time.
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Google’s Core Web Vitals is a significant benchmark for the SEO professionals and developers to optimize the performance of the website.

First Input Delay (FID) and Interaction to Next Paint (INP) are the two important metrics which help to evaluate how users experience the website.

While FID has long been an integral component of Core Web Vitals, it was replaced by INP on March 12, 2024. Google disclosed this change as a part of core web vitals update.

INP signals a shift in focus from initial interaction to overall interactivity. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of the page experience when compared to FID.

So in this article let us explore INP vs FID in detail.

What is FID?

FID refers to First Input Delay. It measures the time taken by a web page to respond to the first interaction of the user.

The user’s interaction can be clicking a link, using a custom JavaScript-powered control or tapping a button. FID directly impacts how visitors perceive the website’s responsiveness. 

  • Fast FID → Responsive and user-friendly website
  • Slow FID → Frustrate users which leads to higher bounce rates.

FID's Impact on User Experience:

  • FID measures the first impression of interactivity. 
  • When the first impression happens and the page responds slowly, it makes users feel the page is unresponsive. This creates a negative user experience.
  • For example, Consider a website having high FID. This makes users think that their clicks or taps were not registered. This results in repeated attempts and further delays.

Limitations of FID:

  • FID is an excellent metric to measure the initial interactivity. But it has its own limitations.
  • FID takes only the initial interaction into consideration. It leaves out subsequent interactions that also contribute to user frustration.
  • For Complex web applications, the users will interact multiple times during their session. In this case the FID will not fully represent the overall responsiveness of the website.

What is INP?

INP refers to Interaction to Next Paint. This newer metric aims to provide a more comprehensive measure of responsiveness of the page.

INP considers all interactions throughout a user’s visit, when compared to FID.  It provides a broader view of the site’s interactivity.

This means INP measures the time from when a user interacts with a page like clicking or scrolling until the next frame is painted.

Why did INP replace FID?

  • INP is designed to overcome the limitations of FID. INP takes into account the responsiveness of all interactions, not just the initial one.
  • For modern web applications, where users engage in multiple interactions, INP offers a more holistic measure of user experience.
  • Google’s move to INP emphasizes the importance of maintaining responsiveness not only at the first touchpoint but also throughout the user journey.

For example, consider an e-commerce website. In this site, the users frequently interact with product listings, filters and the checkout process.

Here, the INP measures the responsiveness of all these interactions. Thus provides an accurate picture of user experience when compared to FID. The FID measures only the delay of first interaction.

INP vs FID: Key Differences

The key differences between INP and FID is as follows,

How to improve FID and INP Scores?

Best Practices to reduce FID

The FID is still a useful metric. It is essential to ensure a fast initial load.

The best practices to reduce FID includes,

  • Optimize the JavaScript Execution. To avoid blocking the main thread, minimize, defer or async non-critical JavaScript.
  • To lessen the influence of third-party scripts on performance, limit their usage or load them asynchronously.
  • Divide lengthy tasks into smaller ones to prevent blocking the main thread and enhance responsiveness.
  • Optimize CSS to ensure faster rendering of the page. This means minify CSS and use essential CSS and avoid large files.
  • To accelerate the initial page load, use server-side rendering, maximize font loading, and reduce reflows.
  •  To monitor and optimize FID, make use of tools such as Chrome DevTools and Google Lighthouse.

How to optimize for INP?

INP is increasingly important as the web applications become more dynamic and interactive. It is a critical metric for the developers to focus on moving forward.

Websites optimized for INP deliver a smoother and more responsive experience throughout the user session. This leads to higher engagement and lower bounce rates. 

Some of the effective strategies to optimize INP is as follows,

  • To free up the main thread for responding to interactions, divide long JavaScript tasks into smaller and more manageable portions.
  • To ensure quick updates after user interactions, use strategies like efficient rendering patterns and lazy loading.
  • Reduce delays in responding to user inputs by streamlining event listeners and managing interactions as effectively as you can.
  • By using web workers to manage Complex calculations, you can free up the main thread for handling immediate user interactions.
  • To track interaction timings, identify slowdowns and enhance user experience, make use of performance tools such as Chrome DevTools.


In conclusion, this article reveals INP vs FID. While FID has proven to be a helpful indicator of initial responsiveness, the INP offers a thorough view of interactivity.

Developers and SEO professionals focus on the INP to ensure that the website loads quickly and remains responsive throughout the user’s visit.

The web experience continues to evolve. So optimizing for INP is essential to provide an exceptional user experience and stay ahead of the competition.

If you need expert guidance to fully optimize these metrics and improve your website’s overall technical health, explore our Technical SEO Services. We help you to address underlying issues that impact both INP and FID.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is INP more important than FID?

The Interaction to Next Paint (INP) provides a more broader view of user experience by considering all the interactions. This makes INP an important indicator of the overall performance of the website.

What are the key factors that impact INP?

Some of the key factors that impact INP are,

  • JavaScript Execution
  • Network Latency
  • Utilization of CPU
Can FID be still used in the SEO Strategy?

The INP is the preferred metric to measure the responsiveness of the page. But still FID can be used as a secondary metric to monitor the changes in the performance of the page.

Founder of 7 Eagles, Growth Marketer & SEO Expert

Ashkar Gomez is the Founder of 7 Eagles (a Growth Marketing & SEO Company). Ashkar started his career as a Sales Rep in 2013 and later shifted his career to SEO in 2014. He is one of the leading SEO experts in the industry with 8+ years of experience. He has worked on 200+ projects across 20+ industries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE, Australia, South Africa, and India. Besides SEO and Digital Marketing, he is passionate about Data Analytics, Personal Financial Planning, and Content Writing.
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Founder of 7Eagles, Growth Marketer & SEO Expert

Ashkar Gomez is the Founder of 7 Eagles (a Growth Marketing & SEO Company). Ashkar started his career as a Sales Rep in 2013 and later shifted his career to SEO in 2014. He is one of the leading SEO experts in the industry with 8+ years of experience. He has worked on 200+ projects across 20+ industries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE, Australia, South Africa, and India. Besides SEO and Digital Marketing, he is passionate about Data Analytics, Personal Financial Planning, and Content Writing.
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