How to Minify JavaScript

Minify JavaScript by removing whitespace, comments, and unused code using tools like UglifyJS or online minifies to boost page speed.
The ultimate guide to Minify JavaScript
The ultimate guide to Minify JavaScript
How to Minify JavaScript
Minify JavaScript by removing whitespace, comments, and unused code using tools like UglifyJS or online minifies to boost page speed.
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Does your website load slowly and Visitors are hitting the back button faster?

Bulky images and slow servers will not always be the reason. One Such possible cause is bloated JavaScript.

JavaScript offers enhanced functionality and interactivity to the website. But the unoptimized JavaScript bloats the website causing slow loading times.

The solution for this problem is JavaScript Minification.

It is an effective method to streamline the JavaScript, reduce the file sizes and improve the loading time of the website significantly.

So, Are you Ready to say “GoodBye” to the website lag and “Hello” to happy visitors?

In this article, let’s explore in detail the power of minifying JavaScript.

What is JavaScript Minification?

JavaScript Minification is the process of reducing the size of JavaScript files by eliminating white space and unnecessary characters without compromising their functionality.

This also includes removing line breaks, comments, simplifying variables and function names.

The main objective of Minification is to minimize the file sizes which leads to faster website loading times, downloads and enhances website performance.

In production environments, minified JavaScript files are commonly used to improve user experience and optimize website speed.

How JavaScript Minification Works?

The JavaScript code is stripped of all non-essential components during minification.

For Example, 

Before Minification,

function helloWorld() {
console.log("Hello, World!");

After Minification,

function helloWorld(){console.log("Hello, World!");}

Why is Minifying JavaScript important in SEO?

JavaScript Minification is important to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for number of reasons as follows:

  • Minified JavaScript files lead to faster page loading speed which is a key ranking factor for search engines.
  • Faster page load times offer a better user experience by reducing the bounce rates and increasing engagement.
  • By ensuring that the websites are mobile friendly and perform well across various devices, minified JavaScript improves search rankings.
  • Reduced JavaScript files helps the search engines bots to crawl faster and easier to understand the content of the website resulting in more effective indexing.
  • Less data needs to be transferred with reduced JavaScript files. This saves the bandwidth consumption which is crucial for those on mobile data plans.

Why not use minified code from the beginning?

For optimizing website performance and potentially improving SEO, using minified code from the beginning may seem like a logical choice, but here are a few reasons why this isn’t usually done:

  • By eliminating whitespace, comments and variable names, minified code compromises readability.
  • If minified code were used from the start, it would be necessary to minify the code every time a change is made, which would add complexity and possibly slow down the development process.
  • Git and other version control systems would become more complicated if minified code was used from the start, as human-readable code is preferred by these systems for optimal performance.
  • Debugging errors and issues that arise during development is difficult with minified code.
  • Third-party libraries and frameworks are used in a lot of web projects. Minified versions of these libraries would have to be used if minified code was used from the start, which could make integration and debugging more difficult.

Thus, developers usually work with human-readable code during development and then minify the code as part of the build process before deploying it to production.

This method finds a balance between performance optimization, maintainability, and development efficiency.

How to Minify JavaScript?

The JavaScript code can be minimized through various methods. It depends on the scale of the project and the development environment.

But it efficiently minifies JavaScript and improves the load time & overall site performance.

Some of the common methods are as follows:

1.Using Online Minification Tools:

Example –

  • is one of the online tools which allows to quickly minify JavaScript.
  • It does not requires any software to install.
  • It is ideal for small projects or quick fixes.

For Example:

The Original Code is,

function greetUser(name) {
console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");

greetUser("John Doe");

After JavaScript Minification, the code can be,

function greetUser(n){console.log("Hello, "+n+"!")}greetUser("John Doe");

In the above example, the whitespaces and line breaks are removed. Thus the code is compressed.

2.Manual Minification

Example – Code Editor

The JavaScript code can be minified manually. This can be implemented by removing unnecessary characters manually or using built in tools in the code editor.

This method is more time consuming. But it gives us full control over the minification process.

3.Using Command-Line Tools

Example – UglifyJS

  • UglifyJS is one of the popular command-line tools for JavaScript Minification.
  • It significantly minimize the size of the JavaScript files by eliminating unnecessary whitespaces, comments and renaming variables to more compact names.
  • It provides Good Compression ratios and enables Integration into the build procedures using various task runners and bundlers.
  • This can be installed via npm and used to minify the files.

The original code is (input.js),

function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;

console.log(multiply(10, 5));

The minified JavaScript code (output.min.js) can be, 

function multiply(a,b){return a*b}console.log(multiply(10,5));

UglifyJS removes unnecessary characters. To reduce the file size further, it renames variables. 

4.Using Build Tools

Example – WebPack with Terser Plugin

In build tools like webpack, the minification process can be automated using plugins like terser.

Terser is a modern JavaScript minifier known for its quick processing speed and superior compression ratios.

It is an improved version of UglifyJS with enhanced optimizations and better support for ECMAScript 6+.

Terser is frequently utilized with build tools such as Rollup and Webpack.

The original code (index.js):

const greet = (name) => {
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);


The minified code (bundle.min.js):

(()=>{console.log("Hello, Jane!")})();

Webpack automatically bundles and minifies the code using terser. It optimizes the code for production.

5.Google Closure Compiler

Google Closure Compiler is the advanced tool that minifies the JavaScript Code. It also performs advanced optimizations such as dead code elimination, variables renaming and function inlining.

It is offered by Google and can be utilized as a build process or web service component as well as a command-line tool.

The original code (input.js):

function squareNumber(num) {
return num * num;


The minified code (output.min.js) can be:


Google Closure Compiler not only minifies the code, but also performs optimization. It directly outputs the results of the function.

Guidelines to Minify JavaScript

The following are some best practices for Minifying JavaScript:

  • Before Minification always keep a backup copy of the original JavaScript files. This makes sure there will always be a point of reference in case needed to revert changes and debug issues.
  • Make sure the minified code doesn’t introduce any errors and maintains its functionality by giving it a thorough test. Any problems that develop during the minification process can be identified and fixed with the use of automated testing tools, Manual testing and unit tests.
  • To efficiently track changes, integrate minification into the version control workflow. To easily roll back changes made to either the original or minified JavaScript file use version Control systems such as Git.
  • JavaScript files should only be minified for production environments. To maintain code readability and to make debugging easier avoid minifying code while it is being developed.
  • Keep track of JavaScript files load order on the web page. To ensure proper page rendering and functionality, minified JavaScript files should be loaded after essential HTML content and critical CSS.
  • As a part of the build pipeline, automate the minification process by using build tools like Webpack, Gulp or Grunt. These tools offer plugins and configurations for minification allowing to easily minify the JavaScript files while the build is underway.


In conclusion, JavaScript minification is an essential web development technique that reduces the size of JavaScript files and improves website performance.

By eliminating unnecessary characters such as whitespace and comments, as well as renaming variables to shorter names, JavaScript minification drastically reduces file sizes, leading to faster download times and improved page load speeds for users.

Incorporating JavaScript minification into the development process can lead to notable performance improvements, which in turn improve user experience, boost conversion rates, and ultimately leads to the success of web applications in today’s competitive online landscape.

If you need expert assistance, our Technical SEO Services include advanced JavaScript minification as part of a broader optimization strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Code's Functionality be affected with Minifying JavaScript?

If done correctly, minifying JavaScript should not have any effect on the functionality of the code.

But in order to make sure the minified code performs as expected, it must be thoroughly tested.

If unexpected changes to the code logic and errors happen during the minification process, Issues could occur.

Is it possible to revert minified JavaScript back to its Original Format?

Although it is technically possible, it is not advised to attempt this as the process is challenging to revert minified JavaScript back to its original format.

Meaning Formatting and variable names are removed during minification which makes the code difficult to understand and maintain.

For reference, it is advisable to maintain a backup of the original unminified code.

What are the Drawbacks of JavaScript Minification?

Though minifying JavaScript offers performance benefits, there are also some possible drawbacks to take into account.

Minified code is less readable and more difficult to maintain, which can make debugging and teamwork more challenging.

Also, if certain minification techniques applied incorrectly, it will unintentionally change the behavior of the code and introduce errors.

Founder of 7 Eagles, Growth Marketer & SEO Expert

Ashkar Gomez is the Founder of 7 Eagles (a Growth Marketing & SEO Company). Ashkar started his career as a Sales Rep in 2013 and later shifted his career to SEO in 2014. He is one of the leading SEO experts in the industry with 8+ years of experience. He has worked on 200+ projects across 20+ industries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE, Australia, South Africa, and India. Besides SEO and Digital Marketing, he is passionate about Data Analytics, Personal Financial Planning, and Content Writing.
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Founder of 7Eagles, Growth Marketer & SEO Expert

Ashkar Gomez is the Founder of 7 Eagles (a Growth Marketing & SEO Company). Ashkar started his career as a Sales Rep in 2013 and later shifted his career to SEO in 2014. He is one of the leading SEO experts in the industry with 8+ years of experience. He has worked on 200+ projects across 20+ industries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE, Australia, South Africa, and India. Besides SEO and Digital Marketing, he is passionate about Data Analytics, Personal Financial Planning, and Content Writing.
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