Web Developer vs WordPress Developer: What’s the Difference?

Confused between hiring a Web Developer or a WordPress Developer? Learn the key differences, pros and cons of each to make an informed decision and choose the right expert for your website project.
Web Developer vs WordPress Developer: What’s the Difference?
Confused between hiring a Web Developer or a WordPress Developer? Learn the key differences, pros and cons of each to make an informed decision and choose the right expert for your website project.
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The Internet holds great promise for businesses. “Digitalize and Digitize” are the verbs of the decade and even smaller businesses are going online to thrive.

Naturally, when businesses think of digitalizing their presence, there is a demand for web development.

There are several tools that you can use to develop a website. There are also two different approaches to building a website :

1. Custom Web Development

2. WordPress Development.

They both can help you complete the task, however, each presents its own challenges. Let’s dive in to find out more on Web Developer vs WordPress Developer

Who is a Web Developer?

  • A web developer is a specialist in coding who creates websites and web apps from the ground up.
  • They are well-versed in programming languages including JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
  • They work with web frameworks such as Laravel, Angular, or React.
Web Developer vs WordPress Developer - Web Developer

Key Skills of a Web Developer:

  • They have the knowledge of multiple programming languages.
  • They are familiar with database management like MongoDB, MySQL etc.
  • They have the ability to develop highly customizable and scalable websites.
  • They are experts in web performance and security.
  • They are proficient in choosing the right web development framework for your website.

Who is a WordPress Developer?

  • A WordPress developer specializes in creating and customizing websites on the WordPress platform.
  • They leverage pre-built themes, plugins and tools from the WordPress ecosystem to create functional websites efficiently.
Web Developer vs WordPress Developer - WordPress Developer

Key Skills of a WordPress Developer:

  • They have a deep understanding of the WordPress Content Management System.
  • They are experienced with theme and plugin customization.
  • They are proficient in setting up ecommerce platforms using WooCommerce.
  • They also have knowledge in PHP, JavaScript and CSS.
  • They suggest the best SEO friendly WordPress themes that aligns with both technical requirements and business goals.

Web Developer vs WordPress Developer: Key Differences

Custom Web Development is a laborious process that may take months.

It presents a deep understanding of computer science and programming languages. Whereas, WordPress Development takes a few hours. 

However, the processes differ from each other. What is the method you choose needs to factor in the following criteria:


Custom Web Development : *****

WordPress Development : ***

  • Right off the bat, a custom-made website helps in better scaling of your business than WordPress.
  • However, not all businesses need it.
  • WordPress, too, can handle moderate to high levels of traffic, just not the same as a custom-made website.

2.Ease of Use

Custom Web Development : **

WordPress Development : *****

  • WordPress has gained a strong foothold for how easy it is to use.
  • On the other hand, Custom Web development requires greater technical skills as it means completely creating a website from scratch.

3.Customization and Flexibility

Custom Web Development : *****

WordPress Development : **

  • If you are looking to create your own brand identity with each element meticulously designed by your own team, then custom web development is the way-to-go.
  • For all its ease-of-use, developing a website powered by WordPress will not provide a unique identity for your business.
  • Also, it is easier to alter site design and functionality according to your needs with custom web development.


Custom Web Development : **

WordPress Development: ****

  • WordPress regularly provides updates to help you maintain your website in a simple fashion.
  • Custom Web Development requires a separate team to handle the maintenance operations.


Custom Web Development : *****

WordPress: ***

  • WordPress is secure, however, it is vulnerable due to Plugins from third-party developers if not updated periodically.
  • Custom Websites offer a host of security features owing to excellent technical strength of the development team of the website.


Custom Web Development : ***

WordPress: *****

  • WordPress websites are super convenient to update : this makes them more SEO-friendly.
  • Custom Web Development doesn’t offer this advantage.

7.Time and Cost

Custom Web Development : **

WordPress Development : *****

  • When you consider two major factors : time and cost, WordPress helps in saving you money and costs involved in hiring skill and maintenance.
  • Custom Web Development is exorbitant and not all businesses can afford them.

Pros and Cons of hiring a Web Developer:

  • A web developer is an expert, who has understanding of all things digital.
  • Investing in a web developer could be a great idea if you can afford it.
  • A web developer will be able to help you understand all the nitty gritty details of the website development process.
  • They could be your go-to person for advice on improving your website.
  • There’s a catch, though : they must share your vision, or it may be difficult to achieve the desired outcome.
Web Developer vs WordPress Developer - Pros and cons of Web Development

Pros and Cons of using WordPress:

  • The first thing about WordPress is that you save time and cost.
  • You will also be able to create user-friendly sites.
  • All this without expert technical knowledge.
  • On the downside, you will notice that your website does not stand out from the rest. 
Web Developer vs WordPress Developer - Pros and Cons of WordPress Development

When to Choose a Web Developer?

The following are some scenarios where your best option is the web developer.

  • When you need a highly customized website.
  • When your project requires advanced features and integrations.
  • When Scalability is a priority.
  • When your website requires strong security features.
  • When you need a complex web application.
  • When long-term maintenance and updates are needed.
  • When you need full control over the website.

When to Choose a WordPress Developer?

Here are some scenarios where choosing a WordPress developer makes sense.

  • When you need a website quickly.
  • When you need a content driven website.
  • When you want an affordable solution.
  • When you want easy-to-manage content.
  • When your website doesn’t require extensive custom features.
  • When you need E-Commerce functionality with WooCommerce
  • When you need ongoing support and updates.
  • When you need SEO Optimization and Integration.


A lot of people grapple with the question of what works for them. If you are the tailor made suit wearing person that gets picky about the details and you have a vision that has never been done before, then the easier options may not work for you.

However, WordPress works for the financially savvy. It is simple, fast, and inexpensive.

However, hiring a web developer could help you build a website with better features and control over security.

Founder of 7 Eagles, Growth Marketer & SEO Expert

Ashkar Gomez is the Founder of 7 Eagles (a Growth Marketing & SEO Company). Ashkar started his career as a Sales Rep in 2013 and later shifted his career to SEO in 2014. He is one of the leading SEO experts in the industry with 8+ years of experience. He has worked on 200+ projects across 20+ industries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE, Australia, South Africa, and India. Besides SEO and Digital Marketing, he is passionate about Data Analytics, Personal Financial Planning, and Content Writing.
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Founder of 7Eagles, Growth Marketer & SEO Expert

Ashkar Gomez is the Founder of 7 Eagles (a Growth Marketing & SEO Company). Ashkar started his career as a Sales Rep in 2013 and later shifted his career to SEO in 2014. He is one of the leading SEO experts in the industry with 8+ years of experience. He has worked on 200+ projects across 20+ industries in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE, Australia, South Africa, and India. Besides SEO and Digital Marketing, he is passionate about Data Analytics, Personal Financial Planning, and Content Writing.
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